Reduce damage being dealt to you from a single source by this spell's energy plus 2.
Card Type: Counter
Card Duration: Instant
Range: Caster
Energy supply: 2
ENERGY remember that any spell's card have a base energy value of 1, so this spell, without using any energy card to boost, reduce the damage by almost 3 point.
SOURCE this card reduce damage dealt by source, so not only spell but also traps, punch of other wizard or creature, any other effect that dealt damage. Multi-source damage dealt by spell or effect like Fire Darts can be reduce, but only one source per counter. So, for example, if 2 Fire darts are casted targeting you, with this counter you can reduce only one of them.
COUNTER you can counter target Shield targeting you only with Anti-Anti.

Version: Conjuring / Mentalism
The information presented on this site about Wiz-War, both literal and graphical, is copyrighted by Fantasy Flight Games and the author, Tom Jolly. This website is not produced, endorsed, supported, or affiliated with Fantasy Flight Games or the author Tom Jolly.
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