Combine the energy values of 2 Magic cards together and use them to boost 1 of your spells or action. No further energy can be added to them.
Card Type: Neutral
Card Duration: Instant
Range: Anywhere
Energy supply: 3
HOW TO PLAY when you declare a play of a magic card that require any energy value for the effect, such as damage, number of attack or other, you can use this card instead a normal energy card. If you do, you can after add 2 energy card (both pure energy card or spells that provide energy value) to boost the spell's energy. In total, with this action, you play 3 cards instead of 1 in total.
COUNTER Negate Neutral or any other counter that afflicts magic cards or neutral cards can be used to counter this one. Counters can be played before or after the declaring energy cards used, the only card that will be trash is Add, no energy card are discarded by countering this spell.

Schools: Alchemy, Mentalism x2
The information presented on this site about Wiz-War, both literal and graphical, is copyrighted by Fantasy Flight Games and the author, Tom Jolly. This website is not produced, endorsed, supported, or affiliated with Fantasy Flight Games or the author Tom Jolly.
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